Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Je suis un kidrobot

What can I say, I'm a child trapped in a man's body. Much like the popular Tom Hanks movie "Big." Except I didn't make a wish at a Carnival to a mechanical fortune teller. I actually sprinkled pixie-dust or whatever its called that Jannifer Garner used in "13 Going On 30." Either way, it has allowed me to keep my love for toys. Or rather, re-kindle my love for toys. In short, this entry is dedicated to Kidrobot. A brand that has created an obsession among children, adults, the indie, the psuedo hip-hop indie, the sneaker crowd and everybody else.

My girlfriend, to my surprise has a rather extensive collection of "Smorkin Labbits." A "Smorkin Labbit" is a sort of vinylesque rabbit smoking a cigarrette. I must admit, its quite impressive. For her birthday, I bought her a 10 inch Teal one (teal is her favorite color). My other friends are intense collectors as well. As for myself, I'm just a novice and I purchase what I like. However, this is growing into something bigger, and I must remind myself that there is more to life than having really cool looking toys.

For those of you who still dont know what Kidrobot is, I encourage you to CLICK HERE and find out for yourself. In short, its a brand (duh!) that sells clothing (sometimes rather pricey and least to me), toys and art. Their website is packed with a variety downloads, blogs and other cool stuff. For those in the MIA, please check out their store on South Beach, they're currently holding an art show:


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